Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Made with Love

Valentine's Day, the holiday of love. Personally I have never been the world's biggest Valentine's Day person (I know I'm terrible). I have good reasons! Everything is marked up twice it's normal price, all the good restaurants are booked a month out, and the biggest one: I think most people use it as a cop out. They seem to think if you do all the right things that day your exempt from showing people around you that love them on a day in and day out basis.

I'm all for showing people I love them any and every opportunity I can, and love it when people do the same. Sometimes the most loving thing is a random note from a friend or unexpected date night with the one you love.

That being said...I love Valentine's Day with kids. It's just a whole other entity. You have the opportunity to emphasize what showing love looks like and have a day to demonstrate it. And it's impartial, at least at Josh's school. Every kid gets a Valentine, no body gets left out or feels lonely.

And the cupcakes...who knew Valentine's cupcakes could be so much fun. I think this may be one of the more fun holidays for themed cupcakes. Who knows, between the boys being old enough to enjoy it and the fun cupcakes, maybe Valentine's Day will win me over yet.

Chocolate covered strawberry minis. Eventually I plan on doing a regular sized version of these with an actual chocolate covered strawberry on top.

Red Velvets with sugar cookies laid on top

Red velvets with sugar cookie "suckers"
Coming later this week: a healthy cupcake and the recipe!

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