Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Peanut Butter Cup

I'm on blog back up due to a stomach flu that hit our house two weeks ago, and then all the preparation for Josh's birthday, and that fact that baking takes time. So expect a slew of posts in the next couple of days.

For Josh's real birthday I had planned on making him peanut butter cup cupcakes. In case you haven't realized yet, my family and my small group girls are who I do most of my experimenting and perfecting on.
I made homemade peanut butter cups to go inside the cupcakes

They turned out fabulous on their own, but I had made them for a purpose, so inside the chocolate cupcakes they went. Then I topped the chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting. And chocolate sprinkles. They were everything I hoped they would be.


gv said...

Yum...yum...yum! Can you make me some for my birthday???

Kristin Eldridge said...

You even made your own peanut butter cups...impressive.

Annie Mueller said...

Um, I would like to volunteer me and my family for any experimenting on involving cupcakes... :) heehee. Love the blog & what a great business idea! Hope all goes great for you.